"Don't be capricious”

 Once upon a time, there was a boy named Fede who was extremely selfish. He always wanted to have everything for himself and disliked sharing anything with his two siblings, Emma and Mateo. If he had a toy, he would hide it so no one else could play with it, and if he had a treat, he guarded it jealously.

One day, while playing in the garden with his favorite toy, a bright and colorful toy plane, a strong gust of wind sent it flying and landing high up in a tree. Fede looked sadly at his beloved plane, but it was too high to reach.

Desperate, Fede ran to his sister Emma and asked for help to retrieve his plane. Emma, always willing to help, agreed. Together, they found a ladder, and with great care, Emma climbed up to retrieve the plane. When they finally reached it, Fede felt immense relief and thanked his sister.

That experience changed Fede completely. He understood the value of family support and help. From that day on, he started sharing more with his siblings, playing together, and sharing his toys and treats. He discovered that shared happiness was much greater than selfish happiness.

Fede learned that sharing not only made others happy but also made him feel happier and more connected to his family. Thus, the selfish boy transformed into a generous and understanding child, and the family lived happily by sharing love and special moments.


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