"Candela's Birthday"

 Once upon a time, there was a girl named Candela, a little one filled with energy and smiles, getting ready for her big day: her ninth birthday. Candela was a brave and friendly girl, with a heart full of kindness that radiated happiness around her.

On her birthday, Candela decided to celebrate in the park with all her school friends. There were colorful balloons floating in the air and a table filled with treats and delicious cake. Children ran through the park, played tag, and swung on the swings while they waited for everyone to arrive.

Once everyone gathered, the fun began. Candela took out her skates and challenged her friends to a race. They glided along the path, laughing and enjoying the wind on their faces. Later, they hopped on the swings and soared as high as they could, laughing and feeling the excitement with each sway.

But the big surprise was yet to come. A group of older kids approached the park's soccer field and challenged Candela and her friends to a match. Among them was a bit of a bully who wanted to win at any cost, even playing dirty.

The match started, and although the older kids were bigger, Candela and her friends didn't give up. They played with determination and team spirit. However, the bully from the other team tried to upset the game with fouls and unpleasant comments.

But Candela's friends weren't intimidated. Together, they showed courage and mutual support. They helped each other in every play, stood up when they fell, and played with heart. Candela, with her determination and leadership, inspired everyone to keep going.

When the bully tried to push one of her friends, Candela decided to act. With a firm voice, she asked the older kid to respect fair play and sportsmanship. Her friends joined her, and with courage, they stopped the bully with their words and actions.

The game continued, and to everyone's surprise, Candela and her friends scored the winning goal in the last minutes of the game. They celebrated with enthusiasm and joy, knowing they had won not only the match but also respect and friendship.

At the end of the day, as they said their goodbyes, Candela smiled, recalling the incredible adventure they had lived. She knew that, with courage and mutual support, they could overcome any challenge. And so, with a heart full of joy and friendship, Candela blew out the candles on her cake, wishing to continue sharing unforgettable moments with her friends, filled with fun, courage, and friendship.


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